A new British survey has found that food factory managers keep themselves awake at night worrying about five scenarios…
Safety standards being compromised to meet production targets, food fraud, third-party hygiene audits, allergy management and emerging risks. The survey, conducted by a food manufacturing website in the United Kingdom to gauge worries as the industry heads towards Brexit, found more than half dreaded compromised safety standards (55%), 63% tossed and turned over food fraud in the food and drink supply chain, and two-thirds worried that climate change will pose a serious risk to the world’s battle against existing and new pathogens.
A staggering 62% stressed themselves over third-party hygiene audits, with several respondents questioning the competence of inspectors, and allergy issues kept managers awake fretting over the lack of consistent standards used by different players within the sector. Transportation bosses say the risk of contamination of food during transport between factories, regional distribution centres and supermarkets is of concern, particularly the threat from contaminated pallets, trays, roll cages and of the vehicles themselves. However, many are reassured that their culture of food safety is already embedded in their business (83%), and 61% trusted the Food Crime Unit to protect their anonymity if they shared information about suspected illegal practices.
Four hopes that, if implemented, can help allay food safety threats are: a more risk-based approach to policing food businesses that recognises good track records; early warning about food safety incidents via social media; high-tech help to cut food safety risks, and better funding for food safety inspections. More than three-quarters of those surveyed called for more financial help from government to fund the FSA and local authority environmental health departments.