Choosing the right heat exchanger supplier


Heat exchangers are used for a wide range of purposes in the food industry, but ensuring you get the right heat exchanger largely depends on choosing the right supplier.

“Although heat exchangers are the preferred option for many food processing processes involving heating or cooling, in some situations they may be overly complex, and a creditable heat exchanger supplier will not try to sell you a solution that you don’t need,” says Matt Hale, global key account director, HRS Heat Exchangers.

Hale says that where a heat exchanger is required, they will be able to guide you through the options, from plate heat exchangers (PHEs) for the simplest non-viscous fluids, through tubular designs to scraped surface heat exchangers (SSHEs) for the most challenging materials.

“Some manufacturers, such as HRS Heat Exchangers, are specialists in products which are particularly difficult to handle. This means that they understand the various effects that properties such as viscosity, solids content and texture will all affect thermal and physical behaviour in a heat exchanger. They will take time to thoroughly understand the product/s in question and ensure they supplied solution provides years of optimal service.”

Hale adds that a reputable heat exchanger supplier will also use the very latest scientific information on energy and heat transfer to design its products and ensure that energy efficiency is maximised. For example, some heat exchanger designs are more energy efficient than others (for example, the use of corrugated tubes improves energy efficiency). In addition, heat exchangers may be able to recover heat from the end of the process and re-use it (known as heat regeneration).

Installation and post-sales support are also important considerations. Will the company supply an entire system, or merely the heat exchanger components? How does it handle issues such as commissioning and staff training, and how will it fit in with existing production lines and equipment?

“If a potential supplier is unable to answer any of your questions, it may be time to look elsewhere.”

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